E A R T H /// H E A R T /// vol. 2

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When the wild dream arrives before the path is fully clear

The courageous take one step forward and watch it appear

As the beautiful challenge of trailblazing and leadership

Is not having all the answers to begin...

rather an astounding amount of resilience

to discover the questions along the way. 

The planet needs our leadership, our activated truth, and our storytelling.

We are all part of an integral web of power that lives within our very nature. Through our hearts, and in every breath, we can align to our true calling of service to invite our communities into the leadership archetype as well.

Rise in all forms. Artists, healers, earth guardians, teachers, lovers, and beyond.

You can be the leader you need right now.

You can spark the flame of empowerment.

“Everything that made you an outsider in the dying culture has prepared you as Leader of New Earth” — @pinkcatdaily / artist 

We are in the midst of a great awakening riddled with clarity of the systems that have not, and no longer serve the collective. When walls fall away we gain perspective of the world around us. You are the catalyst. Where are you being called to Lead?

Is it within your life, your family, community, or the world?

It’s possible one will thread into another creating a ripple unlike any other.

The grand scheme is that it begins with You.

We must each do the work while discovering the way.

Living the paradox of balance. 

Inspiring people to do things they never thought possible.

Offering loving support where we can.

Every great leader taps into the presence of:







All of which can be evolved. Throw perfection out, and arrive with authenticity. The true alchemical energy of what is needed in leadership today. 

How can you lay the foundation, plant the seeds, and do your part to sustain the growth?

How can you feel into your heart, move into your breath, and align in your activated truth?

Who was the leader you always needed?

Call forth the presence and make it an offering.

That one step in trust can be the footprint for others to believe in what’s possible, to believe in themselves, to grow in and with their community. 

A new, integrated, collaborative way of life is on the rise. 

Leaders everywhere are answering the unique call.

Remember, your uniqueness is your power. 

When it comes from within, the Universe is in full support.

So what would you do if you knew you were fully supported?

Written by: Rosie Llewellyn

Rasa Yoga — Sustainability Leader