E A R T H /// H E A R T /// vol. 7

photo of vote flowers by rosie llewellyn for the rasa yoga collective blog

Take action. Now is not the time to be silent. 

For the people. For the planet.

For the next generation. 

We have seen that just as we can sow seeds we can easily burn it to the ground!

The power of the people is infinite. The fight is not over. If this year has taught us anything it’s that a global pandemic, revolution, and ever-evolving climate emergency is just the tip of the melting iceberg. 

Now that we have your attention, its been time to act!

Did you know humans are not the only species to vote? Many animals too have a communal way of decision making through different modalities of interaction. Take the honeybee for instance; when in search of a new hideout scouts will fly to promising holes or branches to inspect, then return to the nest to offer a repetitive dance that explains what they found along with its direction, distance, and quality. Once the scouts agree and have convinced others through their choreography the swarm is off to its new location. The natural process of group consensus is inspiring!

We could learn a thing or two...

For us humans voting can sometimes feel as if being given the choice between an apple or an orange when we would rather have a mango, yet it doesn’t have to be that way, if we continue to disrupt the systems that limit our access to a world of diverse selection.

Now more than ever we need to rally our communities to vote and let our voices be heard. We need each and everyone of us to come together to fight for justice for all. We need to recognize the oppressor is hate, shame, fear, and guilt. We need to rise up for all the lives taken too soon. We need you, and right now...

We need you to:

  1. Register to vote in your area

  2. Research candidates for local elections

  3. Be a critical thinker 

  4. Choose from a place of compassion

  5. Remember your action has a reaction 

Vote to heal communities. Vote to demand equality.

Vote to end racism. Vote to change systems.

Vote to inspire mutual aid. Vote to protect the planet.

Vote because you can. Your action is collective care! 

With Love,


Rasa Yoga